Saturday, August 1, 2009

This Wonky Paper Clip

I'm fiddling around with this wonky paper clip I found near my bed today. It's bent slightly, looking as if it was given too much of a load to hold together. It's not broken, just...wonky. Out of sorts I guess, like a piano player who broke their foot but still knows how to play the trumpet. Ok, bad analogy. Forgive me tonight. Just for tonight.

This wonky paper clip looks like it was put under too much strain. Too much was expected of it, too much was required from it, too many hopes and dreams were placed on this paper clip. And now it's wonky. Bent and out of sorts.

1 comment:

  1. Now I would like to start a hospital and triage unit for wonky paper clips.

    And hug you.

    Not necessarily in that order.
