Tuesday, August 23, 2011

30 Days of TV: Day Ten

A Show You Thought You Wouldn't Like But Ended Up Loving

Millionaire Matchmaker (2008-present)

Now normally I don't watch reality TV...but when my sister is bored and she starts to flick channels she finds weird shows to get hooked on. Like Millionaire Matchmaker. Honestly, it's a terrible show as far as reality TV goes. The host, and professional matchmaker, Patti Stanger is essentially a bitch. So are her sidekicks who help her choose the contestants and offer advice to both parties about the dates. 

The millionaire's are often assholes and mostly shallow; the women (or men) are always gorgeous but not always willing to just go along with whatever the millionaire wants. On one episode the millionaire thought he was such top shit that he wanted to be able to take two women along to his date. Patti refused and said he had to pick just one. What does he do? He secretly went around her and texted the other woman (who wasn't chosen) and invited her on his date (with his actual choice). Boy was that uncomfortably awesome! Needless to say, he ended up with wine in his face and Patti tearing him a new asshole for being such a creep. 

But what really hooked me onto this show was that Patti openly matched heterosexual couples and homosexual couples and the show even had a cougar or two try to snare a young pup. Also, let's be honest here, it's fun watching Patti roast these millionaires for being idiots about their 'standards' and, while she does go overboard sometimes with her loud mouth, she honestly tries to find the perfect match for her clients. 

It's nice fluff to pass the time. I don't watch it religiously, especially now that I don't have cable anymore, but if I happen to catch a show here and there I LOVE every minute of it. Guilty pleasures...can't beat 'em!

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

NFL's Top 10 Sweetest Throwback Jerseys

My article "NFL's Top 10 Sweetest Throwback Jerseys" on Bleacher Report. Check it out!

Just a heads up...I'll be needing to take about a week off the blogosphere for hardcore studies!
See you on the other end I hope!
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Saturday, June 11, 2011

30 Days of TV: Day Nine

Best Scene Ever.

"In Excelsis Deo"
Season 1, Episode 10
The West Wing (1999-2006)

No copyright infringement intended. Only used for entertainment and not for profit.
Footage owned by NBC

One of the greatest episodes of one of my favourite shows. The West Wing really knew how to hit it where it counts and the final scene of this award winning episode knocked it right out of the park. (What's that...two baseball references in a row?)

For the most part, the show is renowned for it's clever, snappy dialogue and Toby (played by Richard Schiff) was a gruff and cantankerous Director of Communications. But this episode showcased Richard Schiff's and the series' complete range, earning Schiff an Outstanding Supporting Actor Emmy Award and for Aaron Sorkin and the writers, the Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Emmy Award.

Having been to Arlington National Cemetery...standing there amongst all those fallen American soldiers throughout history...it gave me goosebumps all over my body. Watching this scene brought back that feeling tenfold. Well done, Aaron Sorkin. Well done.

Honestly, if you love good television, go no further than The West Wing. You won't regret it.

BONUS SCENE: Just for good measure...here's another one of my all-time favourite The West Wing episodes. I reeeeeeaaaaaalllllyyyyyy LOVE this show. 

Martin Sheen = the only one truly #WINNING with #TIGERBLOOD

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Friday, June 10, 2011

30 Days of TV: Day Eight

Plot Twists That Made You Say "WHAT?!"

Dan Scott kills his brother Keith
Season 3, Episode 16
One Tree Hill (2003-present) 

No copyright infringement intended. Only for the use of entertainment and not for profit. 
All footage owned by The CW

Dan did everything he could to make Keith's life a living hell...as he had done so to his own wife Deb and his eldest (unclaimed bastard) child, Lucas. Always jealous of Keith, the straw that broke the camel's back was that Dan believed the fire in his dealership that almost killed him was set by Keith. The person who really tried to kill Dan was his emotionally scarred ex-wife, Deb.

So, while Dan Scott had always been a deplorable human being, killing his own brother Keith came right out of left field. We all could see Dan's rage and hatred towards his brother escalating...but seeing Dan pick up Jimmy's gun and point it right at Keith's chest...that was just chilling. I did not for one bit expect it to happen. More so because Keith was one of the most beloved characters on the show and I had no idea that the show was planning on killing Keith and letting the actor, Craig Sheffer, go. 

The shooting changed everything. Keith's death affected the entire series from then on. Dan's entire make up shifted. No longer was he the 'love to hate' him antagonist. Now he was a cold blooded killer on a downward spiral. The comedic, devilishly evil Dan was dead. 

Truly epic twist for the show. Ballsy, but it worked to perfection.

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

30 Days of TV: Day Seven

Least Favourite Episode of My Favourite TV Show

Days of Our Lives (2009)
Chloe and Daniel

Two years ago these two turned me off of the show for a long while. Dr. Daniel Jones is basically a manwhore, having slept with all three women featured in the video above (the first two being a grandmother and her granddaughter). Chloe Lane is one of the biggest sluts in town, having cheated on both of her last two husbands. Seriously lady...pick a man and stick by him! They've all been wonderful to you, so what's your complaint?

Watching these two suck face day after day disgusted me to no end. It felt dirty...and not in the good kind either (as opposed to watching EJ DiMera and Sami Brady). EJ and Sami are like that extra piece of chocolate cake sitting right in front of you after dinner. It's so bad for you...but you can't resist it. Daniel and Chloe? Like that disgusting feeling you get when you haven't washed your hair for a week. 

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

30 Days of TV: Day Six

Favourite Episode of My Favourite Show

Days of Our Lives (1995)
Dr. Marlena Evans: Possessed by the Devil

Now the problem with soap operas are that one story usually lasts anywhere between six months to a year, depending on its popularity and the ripple effect it causes throughout the show. So with my next two posts it seems more fitting to be focusing on my favourite story on my favourite show, rather than just a single episode.

I remember being glued to the TV when Marlena Evans was possessed by the Devil. It had never been done before in soap opera history and Deidre Hall was magnificent! She was the perfect actress for the role and watching her slip in and out of being possessed was chilling. At the time her soul mate John Black was a priest and he was there for her every step of the way, eventually performing the exorcism that saved her. 

The funky eyes. The deep booming voice. The evil laughter. Everything about it was groundbreaking and seriously edge of your seat stuff. It was a risky move by the show, but head writer at the time, James E. Reilly, was a renowned for his often wacky stories and used this to boost the ratings of the struggling show. 

Marlena being possessed epitomised the classic early to mid 1990s under Reilly. Another popular, yet highly controversial story was the insanely good "Carly Buried Alive" story in 1993, which is in my Top 3 best stories on Days of Our Lives. 

But that's for another time...

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