Saturday, June 11, 2011

30 Days of TV: Day Nine

Best Scene Ever.

"In Excelsis Deo"
Season 1, Episode 10
The West Wing (1999-2006)

No copyright infringement intended. Only used for entertainment and not for profit.
Footage owned by NBC

One of the greatest episodes of one of my favourite shows. The West Wing really knew how to hit it where it counts and the final scene of this award winning episode knocked it right out of the park. (What's that...two baseball references in a row?)

For the most part, the show is renowned for it's clever, snappy dialogue and Toby (played by Richard Schiff) was a gruff and cantankerous Director of Communications. But this episode showcased Richard Schiff's and the series' complete range, earning Schiff an Outstanding Supporting Actor Emmy Award and for Aaron Sorkin and the writers, the Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Emmy Award.

Having been to Arlington National Cemetery...standing there amongst all those fallen American soldiers throughout gave me goosebumps all over my body. Watching this scene brought back that feeling tenfold. Well done, Aaron Sorkin. Well done.

Honestly, if you love good television, go no further than The West Wing. You won't regret it.

BONUS SCENE: Just for good's another one of my all-time favourite The West Wing episodes. I reeeeeeaaaaaalllllyyyyyy LOVE this show. 

Martin Sheen = the only one truly #WINNING with #TIGERBLOOD

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